Monday, October 12, 2015

It's Not Goodbye, But See Ya Later

Well, the time has come for one of my best friends to head off on her greatest adventure yet! After getting to know her and going on our own escapades together for over a year now, she is leaving for an LDS mission in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. I will miss our Skype chats, hangouts at various restaurants and our intense love for window shopping, especially at antique & thrift stores. Other things I'll miss would be her contagious laugh, her small red truck, her ability to make me feel better with even the shortest of texts/calls, etc...but I do know that in a [slow] year-and-a-half she will be home and I can hear all about her new experiences. Love you to the moon and back Bootsie! 

Brighton 2014--in head dresses for Legend Ceremony
Brighton 2014--Missionary Saturday, we were in charge of the Spider's Web

At Gardner Village, perfect for a crisp, fall night. Love Witches' Night Out!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Butcher Family Reunion 2015

I know this post is a long time coming, summer is already over, where has the time gone? Better late than never, I suppose. This year our family reunion was very impromptu, but still so much fun! We gathered our family together in about a week with phone calls, texts, etc...and then all met up at a lake near us (Sadly, some weren't able to make it due to work, school and such). It was quite windy the entire day, but it was still a great time. It is crazy to me how much older my younger cousins have gotten since the last time I saw them. We went fishing, boating, paddle-boarding, canoeing, and had a picnic lunch. 
Cousin M w/ wife H
Their oldest daughter A
Their youngest daughter A
Their oldest, also A 
Aunt L 
Aunt L w/ cousin P
C and Me
Cousin J w/ daughters A & I
Cousin J's oldest, J
Cousin H w/ daughter R
Dad w/ cousin A
Cousin J w/ husband R and daughters J & I
Cousin M w/ cousin A & his son S
Aunt L, cousin P w/ wife A
Cousins I, H and P
Uncle R
Uncle C
Cousin H & Dad
Cutest little one, R 
Cousins A & A
Little J (extremely smart for his age!)
Our picnic setup, not too shabby!
Dad w/ C 
Uncle C w/ cousin M
 After returning home and getting cleaned up, we all met again at Aunt L & Uncle R's house for a BBQ & games. Fun times!

Cousin E w/ husband J
Dad w/ Aunt B
Dad, cousin P w/ wife M
Cousin I w/ M 
Cousin M, his son A, Uncle R
Me and cousin A 
C and cousin M
Me and cousin A
Cousin H w/ son A, cousin J w/ son H
Cousins A, J & A
Cousins A, M, E & J
Aunt B & Uncle C
(Top) Cousins E, J w/ husband R
(Bottom) Cousins L & A
Uncle R w/ Cousin M & wife H, kids A and J 
Cousin J, C, Dad & Mom

Monday, September 28, 2015

It's Fair Time!

Every year our family gets tickets for the State Fair and it ends up being the highlight of our week. And this year was not a disappointment. We got to visit the animals, walk through the commercial booth, and even go to the Circus. The weather was perfect, it wasn't too crowded, just an overall good time. I think this is the 3rd or 4th summer in a row that we've gotten this photo. Had so much fun I kind of forgot to take pictures as I went so this is all. Love the State Fair! 
Mom & Dad
C & Me; the pig was almost too high for me to reach!
M & Dad